4 Ways to Use CBD Oil for Maximum Effectiveness

CBD oil-based products

When used incorrectly and in the recommended doses, CBD oil can pose risks to our health. Here are four ways to use CBD oil recommended by the Mariswiss.com supermarket.

CBD comes from the cannabis plant. It is called hemp or cannabis depending on the amount of THC it contains.

CBD oil may present health risks
When used incorrectly and in the recommended doses, CBD oil can present health risks.

The FDA specifies that hemp is legal under the Farm Bill, as long as it contains less than 0.3% of THC. Over the years, cannabis growers have selected and crossed their plants to obtain high levels of THC and other compounds according to their preferences. However, hemp farmers rarely modify their plants. CBD oil comes from these legal hemp plants.

How do I use CBD oil?

CBD (cannabidiol) oil is produced industrially in several countries. Depending on the needs and objectives of consumers, it can be used in different ways. The effectiveness of these four methods also depends on each individual's state of health. Here are four common methods of producing and using CBD oil:

By mouth

Direct consumption of cannabidiol is a common method. It comes in the form of sweets, food or drinks. When you consume CBD oil, it passes through the digestive system and is metabolised by the liver before reaching the bloodstream, like a vitamin or supplement. Direct consumption of CBD is recommended for those who need to reduce stress, anxiety or insomnia.

CBD oil: Products based on CBD oil
CBD oil-based products for topical use include lotions, salves, balms, etc. for body care.

Topical application

The CBD oil-based products for topical application include lotions, ointments, balms, patches or other body care products. These products are applied to the skin to allow the active ingredients to interact with surface cells without entering the bloodstream directly. Primarily, topical CBD oil products are used to relieve pain, stiffness and inflammation. CBD oil is effective when applied topically to treat muscle pain, joint pain and skin lesions.

>> Read our article: CBD+ oil-based products.


CBD is placed under the tongue, where there are many blood vessels, allowing faster absorption by bypassing the digestive system. While ingesting CBD can take from 30 minutes to two hours to take effect, sublingual use of CBD can significantly reduce this time. The effects appear within 5 to 20 minutes and are effective in treating headaches and acute stress.


CBD oil is transformed into vapour and inhaled directly into the lungs. Smoking CBD oil allows for faster absorption and higher levels of CBD. This rapid, powerful absorption method is often preferred by those suffering from panic attacks or who need immediate, powerful pain relief.

CBD oil offers many health benefits, including treating insomnia, improving anxiety and stress, and relieving pain. However, there are risks associated with these products, especially if they are not produced using cutting-edge technology, if they are overdosed or misused, which can lead to side effects. This is why it is important to consult a specialist for appropriate use.

For more information on CBD oil, visit the website Mariswiss.com. Mariswiss is a comprehensive information site on CBD oil. Be an informed consumer! Before using any CBD-based product, consult a specialist or doctor to find out about potential side effects and recommendations for use in order to get the most out of it.

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