The link between CBD and longevity?


Today, the health and longevity are becoming a major concern for many people. They don't just want to live long, they want to live healthy and happy lives. One of the recent scientific achievements that can help to improve the longevity and health is CBD (Cannabidiol) - a compound extracted from the cannabis plant.

Le Cannabidiol (CBD) has attracted the attention of health professionals because of its many remarkable properties. Unlike THCthe main component of cannabis CBD has no psychoactive effect, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

This article from Mariswiss will explore in depth the relationship between CBD and longevityby examining how this natural compound can influence the ageing process. By examining current studies and the antioxidant potential of CBD, we aim to provide an overview of its potential role in extending longevity and improving health.

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The link between CBD and longevity
More and more attention is being paid to quality of life.

Definition and terminology

What is CBD?

First, let's learn more about the definition of CBDTo fully understand what CBD is, you need to know its name and mechanism of action.

CBD is a chemical compound extracted from the cannabis plant. It is one of more than 100 compounds called "cannabinoids" found in the plant. However, CBD does not have psychological effects like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) - the main component responsible for the 'high' sensation when using cannabis. Instead, CBD is known for its potential effects on improving people's health and well-being.

What is longevity and how is it measured?

La longevity is a concept that goes beyond extending the time we spend in the world; it involves living longer while maintaining an optimal quality of life. This idea includes not only lifespan, but also health and happiness in old age.

Measuring longevity can be complex, as it involves considering a range of biological, environmental and genetic factors. Traditionally, it has been measured using simple indicators such as life expectancy at birth, providing an average estimate of how long a person will live. However, this method does not take quality of life into account.

In the quest for a better understanding of longevity, scientists have begun to focus on more detailed measures, such as 'healthy life expectancy' or 'disability-free life expectancy', which estimate the number of years a person can live without serious illness or disability.

Another approach to measuring longevity is to study biomarkers of ageing, which can provide more in-depth information about an individual's cellular and molecular health. These include, but are not limited to, telomere length, systemic inflammation, oxidative stress and gene expression profiles.

By following them over time, researchers can better understand how the body ages and what factors can contribute to a longer, healthier life.

So measuring longevity is a multi-dimensional task that goes beyond the years lived, including the complexity of living those years well. When we exploreinteraction between CBD and longevityHowever, it is important to consider these different measurement methods to get the full picture of how this compound can influence healthy ageing.

CBD and longevity
Proper use of CBD offers numerous health benefits

Effects of CBD on health and longevity

Numerous scientific studies have shown that CBD can have a number of health benefits, including a positive impact on longevity:

Reducing stress and improving mental healthSome studies suggest that CBD can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression - factors that negatively affect mental health and longevity.

Reduced pain and inflammationCBD has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which can help treat conditions such as arthritis, migraines and pain-related health problems.

Improved sleep: Many people use CBD to improve sleep quality, which is crucial for health and longevity.

Boosting the immune systemCBD: Some studies show that CBD can boost the activity of the immune system, helping the body to fight disease and infection.

Prevention of certain chronic diseasesEarly research suggests that CBD may prevent or slow the development of certain chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's.

Scientific studies on CBD

Scientific research on CBD and longevity

As we age, our immune system constantly shifts towards a decline in its biological function, becoming more susceptible to disease. Cannabinoids have immunoregulatory and antioxidant properties, and some of them have been studied in relation to longevity.

Certain preclinical models, the results of tests on animals, show that CBD could be linked to longevity. A study published in 2020 showed that CBD reduced the signs of ageing and inflammation in zebrafish.

Another study published in 2022 also showed positive effects on the health and longevity of nerve cells in C. elegans, a nematode that shares certain genes with humans.

CBD was also found to reduce lipid peroxidation in mice exposed to UV rays, highlighting its protective potential against oxidative damage caused by ultraviolet rays. In other words, it helps prevent ageing caused by exposure to the sun.

It is important to note that, although direct research on the CBD and longevity are limited, understanding its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects provides clues as to how it may influence metabolism and, by extension, longevity.


In short, the CBD is a natural compound full of potential for improving health and increasing longevity. Early studies show that it has effects such as reducing stress, pain and inflammation, improving sleep and boosting the immune system. Although more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness, CBD is becoming an attractive option for those who want to live longer, healthier lives. With these potential benefits, CBD deserves to be studied and explored further in the future.

It should be noted that CBD is still a fairly new field, so users should consult a doctor before using it, especially if they are taking other medications. In addition, it's important to research the provenance and quality of CBD products before buying to ensure safety.


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