Legal CBD Products in Switzerland: Trusted CBD Store

cbd flower for legal sale in Mariswiss

Le CBD is increasingly becoming an integral part of many people's lives because of the potential benefits it can offer. In Switzerland and many other European countries, the purchase of CBD products legal has become easier thanks to clear and transparent regulations. However, consumers need to be cautious and fully understand the legal regulations and product quality to ensure safe and effective use. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of CBD in a safe and legal way.

CBD and legality in Europe

Le Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound extracted from the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa). Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not cause psychotropic effects. CBD's popularity has increased in recent years due to the potential health benefits it can offer, ranging from reducing pain and inflammation to supporting sleep and treating psychological and neurological disorders.

In Europe, regulations on the use and sale of CBD vary from country to country. Some countries have established clear regulations to ensure that CBD products are safe and do not contain high levels of THC. Among these, Switzerland is one of the leading countries in terms of managing and permitting the use of products containing CBD. This article will provide a detailed guide on how to buy legal CBD products in Switzerland and other European countries.

cbd flower for legal sale in Mariswiss
Indoor Mango Haze CBD on sale at Mariswiss.

Buy Legal CBD Products in Switzerland

Legal regulations in Switzerland

In Switzerland, CBD is considered legal if the product contains less than 1% of THC. This limit is higher than in many other countries, where the maximum THC content is generally between 0.2% and 0.3%. This means that consumers in Switzerland can easily access and use CBD-containing products without fear of legal problems.

Where to Buy CBD Products in Switzerland

If you're in Switzerland and looking for a CBD shop, how do you buy CBD? Here are some popular ways to buy CBD in Switzerland:

Specialised CBD Shops

In Switzerland, there are many shops specialising in the sale of products containing CBD. You can find these shops in major cities such as Zurich, Geneva and Basel. These shops generally offer a wide variety of products, from CBD oils, capsulesto skin care products and foods containing CBD.

Pharmacies and supermarkets

Many pharmacies and supermarkets in Switzerland also sell products containing CBD. The products sold in these outlets are generally subject to strict quality controls and comply with safety standards.

Online Shopping

You can also buy CBD products via online retailers. Most reputable suppliers provide detailed product information, including CBD and THC content, as well as quality certificates.

Considerations When Buying CBD Products in Switzerland

Check the Quality Certificates

Make sure that the product you buy has been tested for quality and has certificates from reputable control bodies. This guarantees that the product contains no harmful contaminants and that the CBD and THC levels are as declared.

Read the labels carefully

Check product labels for CBD, THC and other ingredients. This will help you choose the right product for your needs and ensure that it complies with legal regulations.

Consult the Experts

If you have any questions about using CBD, consult a doctor or health expert. They can provide detailed information and advice on dosage and safe use.

Another CBD product sold at Mariswiss
Critical CBD Greenhouse deep candy upd

Buy Legal CBD Products in Europe

Legal regulations in European countries

Regulations concerning CBD in Europe are not uniform and vary considerably from country to country. Here are a few examples:

United Kingdom

The products containing CBD are legal if they contain less than 0.2 % of THC and are extracted from authorised varieties of cannabis. Products must comply with food safety standards and cannot claim medical benefits without scientific certification.


Germany has strict regulations on CBD. Products must contain less than 0.2 % THC and must be registered with the health authorities if they are marketed for medical purposes. Pharmacists can sell CBD products but must be under strict supervision.


In France, only products containing CBD extracts of cannabis varieties that do not contain THC are authorised for sale. These products must comply with safety standards and may not be marketed as medicines.


Italy authorises the use of CBD products containing less than 0.6 % of THC. However, the use of CBD for medical purposes requires a medical prescription.

Where to Buy CBD Products in Europe

In Europe, you can buy CBD products in a variety of ways:

Specialist shops

As in Switzerland, many European countries have shops specialising in the sale of CBD-containing products. These shops generally offer high-quality products and the staff can provide detailed information on how to use them.

Pharmacies and supermarkets

In many European countries, you can buy CBD products in pharmacies or supermarkets. These products are generally subject to strict quality controls and comply with legal regulations.

Online Shopping

Many suppliers in Europe have online sales sites, allowing you to buy CBD products easily and conveniently. Make sure you buy from trusted suppliers and check the product information.

CBD resin, a popular CBD product
Gold Nepal Pollen CBD Click on the photo to buy this CBD product.

Considerations When Buying CBD Products in Europe

Check the Legal Regulations

Before buying CBD products, check the legal regulations of the country you live in or are visiting. This will help you avoid potential legal problems.

Ensure Quality

Choose products with quality certificates from reputable inspection bodies to guarantee their safety and effectiveness.

Consult the Experts

Always consult a doctor or health expert before using CBD, especially if you have health problems or are taking other medications.

Trusted CBD Store

With the new research, we can see that the CBD is gradually becoming one of the subjects of research and application in health. This article provides useful information to help you choose and use CBD-based products legally. And above all, "always consult an expert or doctor before use“.

You can buy CBD products online in Switzerland and other European countries via our online sales site If you need any further advice, please do not hesitate to contact Mariswiss now!

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